Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hi y’all! I’m the new girl on this blog! Nice to meet you, my name is Moonie :)

Unfortunately, I make my debut with a bit of a disturbing message… I hope my next blog will be much lighter.

Disturbing new trend in FF.

It’s come to my attention recently that there are increasingly more and more stories revolving around incest and/or paedophilia. Only this week, myself and others have called upon Fanfiction groups to mass-report stories twice, about separate stories.

It seems to be the newest trend in FF and frankly, it worries the hell out of me.

Not only about the content of these fics, but also because of the people writing them.


Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen year olds who are writing these fics and are VERY graphic about it.

What may be worse even, is the fact that there are readers who are encouraging this type of fics, even going as far as loving it.

I’ve taken these reviews from a story called “Your a Bellaphile?”

“Plz update! We wanna no wat happens! Will there b rape? R u gonna make this graphic?”

“wow, interesting. please update soon i can't wait to see what you come up with next.”

One of these reviewers is a fourteen year old… I shudder to think about my child reading something like this.

Not only are these stories highly disturbing and sickening in their content, they are also illegal. Stories like that fall under the category of child pornography! can actually be shut down because of these stories.

I implore you now, if/when you find a story like this, you find as many people as you possibly can and mass-report it. There are groups on Facebook where you can go to report a story such as these and have many people report the story to the FF moderators.

There has to be put a stop to this. Controversy is one thing, but this?

Thanks for reading this, I hope I have gained some attention to this new disturbing trend in the universe of Fanfiction.
