Thursday, December 16, 2010


Hi y’all! I’m the new girl on this blog! Nice to meet you, my name is Moonie :)

Unfortunately, I make my debut with a bit of a disturbing message… I hope my next blog will be much lighter.

Disturbing new trend in FF.

It’s come to my attention recently that there are increasingly more and more stories revolving around incest and/or paedophilia. Only this week, myself and others have called upon Fanfiction groups to mass-report stories twice, about separate stories.

It seems to be the newest trend in FF and frankly, it worries the hell out of me.

Not only about the content of these fics, but also because of the people writing them.


Fourteen, fifteen, sixteen year olds who are writing these fics and are VERY graphic about it.

What may be worse even, is the fact that there are readers who are encouraging this type of fics, even going as far as loving it.

I’ve taken these reviews from a story called “Your a Bellaphile?”

“Plz update! We wanna no wat happens! Will there b rape? R u gonna make this graphic?”

“wow, interesting. please update soon i can't wait to see what you come up with next.”

One of these reviewers is a fourteen year old… I shudder to think about my child reading something like this.

Not only are these stories highly disturbing and sickening in their content, they are also illegal. Stories like that fall under the category of child pornography! can actually be shut down because of these stories.

I implore you now, if/when you find a story like this, you find as many people as you possibly can and mass-report it. There are groups on Facebook where you can go to report a story such as these and have many people report the story to the FF moderators.

There has to be put a stop to this. Controversy is one thing, but this?

Thanks for reading this, I hope I have gained some attention to this new disturbing trend in the universe of Fanfiction.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey ya'll! It's good to be back! Without further ado, I bring you our author of the week!!

Please welcome our Author of the Week, Korissa!

1 - How did you get into writing? I’ve always enjoyed writing, but I hadn’t written anything for myself in years. My daughter is in middle school and she wanted to read the Twilight books. I didn’t know anything about them, so felt like I needed to read them first. I read all four in a week. Could. Not. Put. Them. Down. The story resonated with something inside me. After re-reading the series, I started to seek out anything twi-related and found a link to Wide Awake by AngstGoddess003 in a news article. I was HOOKED on fan-fiction from there. (I think I like it better than the books.)

I have a very busy life. I have a husband, four children, sit on a couple PTA and foundation boards, I run a business and am working on my MBA. What fan-fiction provided me, for the first time in years, was cutting time out of my day for me. If I took the time to read before, I read business books or self-help books. Reading fan-fiction was just for me, and I loved it.

I had wanted to write a story for a long time, one night I just decided it was time. (Cue the impulse control issues!) I clicked on the TwilightAwards site and closed my eyes as the contests were scrolling through and landed on Twi-Slash Unveiled. It probably made it little easier that it was an anonymous contest.

2 - What turned you on to slash? When I wrote the one shot for the Twi-Slash Contest, I only knew of one gay person I was semi-close to. Some of my Edward’s background are based on him. He’s one of the best people I know and if my story has touched anyone, it’s thanks, in part, to his heart. The first “slash” fics I ever read were the other contest entries. To be honest, I was dumbfounded when I won runner-up, but I was FLOORED when readers asked me to continue it. It took me a long time to decide, but when I chose to continue it, I knew I needed to do it right. This was no longer a spur-of-the-moment-decision story, I felt like I had to honor those reviewers who loved my boys enough to want to see how their story played out.

The first thing I did when I posted the entry to FanFction.Net was ask my readers for slash recommendations. I got lucky because I have the greatest readers who shared with me, the best of the best that slash had to offer. I read TONS of slash and I loved it. There is something about a boy/man making that choice with his heart with another boy/man that is so beautiful.

3 - What updates are you sure not to miss? ::rubs hands together and smiles:: Hmmmmmm My must-read-now list consists of Uncomfortable by Savannah_Vee, It’s Fate by OCDJen, I Wept Not by ArcadianMaggie, and Lessons Learned by MistyHaze420, but I love SO many others. I’m pretty much a slash hoor, so I try to read all the updates as soon as I can.

4 - What is your favorite story, both popular and not popular?

That’s a hard question, all-time favorite? I vacillate between Over the Top by Starfish422, Right There by OCDJen and Rediscovering What Matters by Rmhale, oh, and I adored Just Like Chocolate by FarDareisMai2. All very popular fics, please don’t make me choose! I’ve said this to you, but the same could be said about all these stories. I love my boys more, because I loved their boys first.

I’m not sure about a “non-popular” story, this one still has more reviews than my story, Angel of God J. It hasn’t been updated in a while, but it has a special place in my heart, Southern Comfort by Bookbag. I loved in Mississippi for seven years and have a bit of the south in my soul.

I’m finding that I enjoy lesser known fics a lot though. One of my goals is to read more of them and support new authors the way I have been blessed to be supported. I TRY to read the fics of all my reviewers. They take the time to read what I write and I think it’s important to read what they write. (I’m so behind, though, it’s embarrassing.)

5 - When you write your boys, do you see the actors that play them, or someone different?

You know it’s funny, I don’t. I have a file of pictures (because eventually one day I’ll learn to make a banner or blinkie!) but I don’t necessary see them as anyone other than themselves. I had a “muse” for Edward, but Edward has really grown into his own character and my Jasper, whom I adore, kind of developed on his own. In a movie, I suppose it would be the canon Twi-actors for the main characters. I’m not sure about my Edward’s dad, he’d be a simple handsome man, I guess. Please, don’t ask me to picture Edward’s 13 brothers and sisters though! J

6 - If you could spend the day inside your favorite author's head, who would it be and why?

Oh. My. Goodness. The first author that popped in my head was MrsTheKing. I love Gynazole because of it’s irreverent humor. I mean, how many politically incorrect things can you place in a fic and make it work? I tend to think her brain works like mine. I’m always on, my brain rarely shuts down. I think my “voices” have voices. BUT I tend to have internal boundaries of propriety, probably from my strict catholic upbringing (says the girl who writes slash…) I would love to be able to just let go the way she does

I’m gonna cheat and give you my second name because she’s a slash author. I would also love to live in Rmhale’s head for a day. One, because she once told me that her hubs was her muse for some of the scenes in Rediscovering What Matters and I love to see love in all it’s forms and two because her Twitter boy-porn is my guilty pleasure. Seriously, she has to have a separate hard drive for all that fabulous smut.

7 - Regardless of storyline, who writes the best humps that leave you wet and begging for more?

This is the hardest question, I actually skipped it and came back.

I’m turned on by feelings, the reaction of two characters caught up in the moment. They don’t have to be against the wall or over a counter (however, I’m not opposed to that either).

I like a strong man (for slash or otherwise). I like a man to know what he’s doing and be so in love with his partner that he will worship that partner’s body with his mind, body and soul. THAT makes me wet. I’ve found that consistently, with several authors, Rmhale, OCDJen, MistyHaze, Whitlock-Masen for slash. SnowqueensIcedragon, TaraMeSue, Ms Kathy, and SebastienRobichaud for non-slash. Ms. Kathy for both really. The Trip Home - hotness personified.

8 - Do you post on any other fandoms?

Angel of God is also on Twilighted. Twilighted is the reason I have betas. My story was out right rejected because of tensing issues. I was overwhelmed at the concept of a beta, whether or not to get one that was strong in grammar or one that had a strong background in slash since I lacked so much experience in this genre. I ended up going to Project Team Beta who gratefully took on my story. There were over 500 grammatical errors in the one shot! ::hangs head low and wonders how this story EVER got off the ground:: I now WORSHIP the ground by betas walk on (and write better, hopefully)

9 - Do you listen to music when you write, and if so, does it influence what you write?

I am just discovering I probably have ADD (when I mentioned this to a high school girlfriend of mine over coffee, she said, “Ya think? I’ve known that for 20 years!”) So I don’t listen to music because it takes me out of the writing zone. Honestly, I write because my Edward and Jasper tell me their story (my voices and their voices). Writing clears my head in a way nothing else does, it’s cathartic for me. I’m also not very creative. I write what I know. Bella and Rose’s house, is based on the one my hubs lived in, in college. Over the summer I went to the beach and saw kite-boarding for the first time and “knew” in my head that Jasper would love that sport.

I am inspired by music though.

10 - Would you ever write something out of your comfort zone? Why or why not?

Slash was out of my comfort zone, so I guess, yes. I’m currently enrolled in Project Team Beta’s Smut University and it’s all about getting comfortable with writing lemons. I’m actually working on a threesome one shot as my “graduation” piece. THAT is definitely out of my comfort zone, but intriguing to see if I can make it work.

I’m a person that pictures a scene in their head first, which is why I read a lot of slash in the beginning. I didn’t have the knowledge to “picture” it. I have ALWAYS had propriety-boundaries, sexual lines in the sand. Writing has allowed me to blur a lot of those lines and to just be. I use that part of me as a basis for some of my Edward’s reactions. He has a lot of me in him and just as he’s trying to let go of the things that bind him so tightly, I guess I am too.

Brilliant! Now, go check out Korissa's work! She's so fab!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Hey ya'll! I am so, so sorry for the delay on the blog, but I have had to take care of some family business that couldn't be put off.....

But, I am back, and ready to dazzle you with lots more exciting Twiguy slash!! Tomorrow, will be the first post of the restart, and I am excited! It's our Author of the Week Interview!! Woot Woot

I hope you join us for al our slashy fun, and again, I thank you for your patience!!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Hey ya'll! I know I have been fail this week with the blog, but there has been some really personal stuff going on that I have to get sorted out.

So, if you would, please bear with me through the weekend, and I will do my best to have a post for you on Monday!

Thank ou for being patient and sticking with me!

Much smooches,


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Hey ya'll! I apologize for lack of posting for the past two days, but I have been sick. I am better now, so without further ado, here's some Tuesday slash for ya!

Hey y'all, this week I have been given the task of rec'ing something for the All Vamp Tuesday section. Now call me a cheat if you like but other the odd one shot I only have one all vamp multi chapter on my list, and I'm sure you wouldn't want me rec'ing you something I hadn't read all the way through. So on that note this week I am going to tell you all about.......

Crimson Love and Biting Jealously By OCDJen

If you haven't read this story by now, what the heck is wrong with you? If you are reading it you all know why this is one of my favourite stories. I mean honestly people this is written by OCDJen afterall, the Queen of awesomeness herself. The author of so many amazing WIP stories you wonder how the heck she manages. The author that always finds the time to help and support a new author should she need it. The one author 75% of slash authors I've spoken to would like to meet ( :P I've met her ) Ok that's enough fangirling from me, but i've been drinking with this woman so I think I'm aloud a few moments of fangirling every now and then.

Summary: Alice and Jasper try to start a new life with the Cullens only to realise that Alice is not Jasper's mate after all. How will they deal with the aftermath of their betryal, and what will happen with Alice's new mate? E&J. Vamp. Written for the SSA.

To me, since finding fanfic, this is how Twilight should have happened. Edward and Jasper realising they were meant to be together before Bella (*shudders*) turned up. Before starting her new fic The Major's Pet Jen said she couldn't write dark, but if you've read this you know she was already doing a damn fine job at dark.

This is Jasper and Edward away from the Cullen influence, living the life a vampire should live, feeding from humans. These boy's have been together for decades and other than Jasper's occasional want for a pet they only have eyes for each other. They didn't have the best start to their relationship, feeling they had to abandon their family or face the wrath of Alice.

The emotions are perfect, the angst well balanced and the Lemon's H.O.T.T hot. *UNF* Edward's a little kinky and likes to be strangled while they fuck, and before people start complaining they are vampires, they don't need to breath.

So, there you go, If you haven't read it yet, go, now and enjoy, I know you will. If you have read it, go read again, go know you want to :)

Here's a little tease from Chapter One

"I want you. I need you. I need the completeness that I can only find in you." Closing the distance between us, his cool, sweet breath fanned my face before his ruby colored lips touched mine gently. It was a tentative kiss to start, neither one of us sure how the other would react. For a second I was frozen to the spot, unsure if this was happening, before kissing him back. His arms came around my neck as he wove his long fingers into my hair bringing me closer to him. My arms wrapped around his waist, resting my hands on the base of his back, feeling the hard lines of muscle that covered him.

Jasper's tongue trailed my lips which I parted without hesitation, letting his cool tongue into my mouth. Our tongues met and brushed against each other, tasting one another for the very first time. A low rumbling growl ripped through his chest as our lips moved in a perfect rhythmic motion. Pushing his body closer to mine I felt his growing arousal pressing against my thigh making me moan as he pushed me back against a tree. The tree cracked underneath our weight as Jasper raised my arms over my head, holding them by my wrists while his lips trailed across my jaw and down my neck.

My ice cold skin felt on fire. A blazing trail of molton lava racing through my skin where his cherry red lips had kissed me. My body was overcome with the waves of pure emotion that were radiating off Jasper. Love, Lust, Desire, Want and Need gripped me wildly as his thoughts were full of how much he needed me.

"You feel and taste better than anything I had imagined. My fantasies about you haven't done you justice," he murmured with his lips against my neck.

Running my hands down his back and over his firm pert ass, I cupped it in my hands. "And what fantasies were those?" I asked as he brought his face back up from my neck. The very tips of our noses were touching as I looked into his rust colored eyes that were filled with undying emotion.

"I could tell you, I could let you read my thoughts, or I could show you." His lips brushed mine once in a loving kiss of pure untainted emotion. Pulling back his head, he rested it against my forehead while his finger rubbed the nape of my neck.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hey ya'll! Its finally the weekend, and time to party! Hope you enjoy today's's near and dear to my heart!

Okay, ya'll, I am very, very excited to be posting today. I recently had a birthday, and my fellow H00r and very dear friend, Jen, wrote me a little O/S for me! Well, not so little, as it's almost 12K!! I know, right? How lucky am I!! The fic is titled "Judge a Book By Its Cover" by OCDJen on

When Jen asked me what I wanted for my birthday, I said GEEKWARD! And, boy, did my h00r deliver!! She wrote me a sweet, hot, and sexy O/S with Jasper as the assy college guy, only interested in his reputation with his friends and being the popular guy.

Well, he gets partnered in class with Edward, *clears throat* excuse me, I mean GEEKWARD, who is, as Jen put it, 'socially retarded'. Jasper is mortified that he has to be partnered with the geek, but he gives in and when they meet to work on their project, things take an unexpected turn, and cocky ass Jasper just may learn something!

I ain't gonna give too much away, but I will give you a peek at this AWESOME O/S!


"Let me think about that," I answer moving closer to him and brushing my lips against his just once. "About ten seconds ago," I reply, smiling.

"Why... why did you just do that?"

"Because I wanted to," I answer while playing with the hair in the nape of his neck . "Can I kiss you again?" Edward nods slightly and dips his head towards me.

His lips softly touch mine hesitantly. Gently, I move my hand up his neck and into his soft hair, pulling him closer to me. Flicking my tongue against his lips, he slowly parts them, letting me explore his haven. My tongue brushes against his, letting his taste mix in with mine. Cinnamon, Jack and something completely unique that was purely Edward hit my taste buds. Within minutes of our tongues exploring each other, our kiss became more demanding. Lips, teeth and tongues brushed together, moving in perfect rhythm. Edward pulls me closer to him, becoming more demanding in his kiss. Without warning, my hand travels down his thigh and grabs hold of it. Pulling him more to me, I force him to straddle my lap.

A hiss of pleasure escapes Edward as my hands grip hold of his firm ass and squeeze it hard. I can feel his growing arousal begin to press against my stomach; my own arousal was straining against the zipper of my skinny jeans. Bucking my hips upwards causes Edward to growl into my mouth and push down against my cock. Moaning loudly in pleasure, our lips part. Grabbing the hem of his Tee, I pull it up and over his head, finally seeing those hard, washboard abs that have fogged my mind all evening.

Looking up at him, I saw his dark green eyes were lust filled, intensified by the red rimmed glasses. Lifting my hand up, I carefully remove his glasses. He takes them off me, and places them on the window ledge behind me. Crashing his lips back against mine, Edward begins to pull and push me until I was lying on my back with him on top of me. My short nails claw his back as his lips trail my neck. Sucking, biting, licking and kissing until I was a writhing mess underneath him.

His name falls effortlessly from my lips in a breathless moan as he rocks his hips against mine. My hands slide down his back to the waistband of his sweats. Slipping my hands under the waistband, my hands glide over his smooth naked arse, before I move one hand around the front and take hold of his hard cock. Edward moans loudly, and attacks my mouth with fierce dominance. Wrapping my fingers around his hard, thick cock, I sweep my thumb over the head, spreading the droplets of pre-cum around. Edward responds by thrusting his hips into my hand.

"Bedroom?" I murmur when our lips break apart. Edward's deep green eyes burn with such intensity as he stares at me.

How had I never seen Edward?

Underneath the slicked parting, glasses and clothes, was someone fucking gorgeous; both inside and out. He may get excited over chemicals and atoms and all that other bullshit, but behind all of that is someone both smart and funny. I am having a better time with Edward than I would have done if I had gone to the club like I first planned.


How fucking delicious is that??!

Go check out this insanely awesome o/s, and leave our Jen some love!

Until tomorrow......

Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday, H00rs! I hope ya'll like what we have for ya'll today!

Hello my lovelies, Angela here. I’m back again with another rec.
Does everybody know that saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” ?
Well I guarantee with today’s rec you won’t want to eat that apple; you’ll want to throw it in the nearest trash can and grab a piece of cake and ingest all the sugar possible LOL.
Now in all honesty I’ve never read a Daddy C fic, but my mind has been changed. I found a jewel of a story via Twitter called

Be Careful What You Wish For by Whitlock-Masen or as you know them individually, Naelany and SoceressCirce.

Now I have read their other stories also. My faves being ‘Marked’ and ‘Alpha Xi Omega’ and I loved those two stories; they were just unbelievably fantastic and wonderfully written. So reading Be Careful What You Wish For; I was not disappointed. I found my interest peaked and very intrigued by not only the plot but also with the development of the characters. The personalities that the characters of Charlie, Bella and Carlisle have are so realistic. Visually when reading this story, I found myself actually putting myself in the characters shoes. Odd I know....but that happens occasionally. Through their up and downs, I was sucked in and kept there. Be Careful What You Wish for has become one of my many favorite stories. Here’s one of my favorite parts of this story and it just so happens to take place in chapter 10.

Charlie wasn't perfect, but he was far better than she was giving him credit for.

I'd taken all the time I could plating and slicing the strips of steak. I began transferring the food to the table, arranging the bowls of rice and refried beans beside the platter of avocado slices and the smaller dish of pico de gallo. Bella's eyes widened when I said, "I hope you like carne asada. I took a chance."

She hesitated for a split second and then smiled, nodding. "Thanks…Carlisle." She cleared her throat, her smile wavering before she forced it back in place. "Do umm…do you want me to warm some tortillas?"

My own smile was surprised but genuine as I told her that would be lovely. She grinned at my choice of words and then nodded silently, going to the refrigerator. "You want cheese and sour cream?" she called, her voice muffled as she dug around in the crisper.

"Bring whatever you'd like to the table, dear." The term was automatic, and I saw Bella's spine stiffen, but she made no comment. I half-expected another temper tantrum of the type I'd seen her throw with Charlie, but she took a deep breath, closed the refrigerator, and got to work warming the tortillas on the stove.

We lapsed into silence again, and soon everything was ready. Our kitchen table was small, and for years, Charlie had been sitting on one side while I sat at the end – it was easier to talk and touch that way. When Bella joined us, she began sitting across from Charlie, which put her on my other side. Normally it wasn't an issue, but tonight, I was especially aware of the proximity.
We assembled our food without a word being spoken until Bella took her first bite. "Holy…" she trailed off, swallowing before she tried again. "This is fantastic, Carlisle! Seriously."

I smiled and tried not to preen under her praise. I murmured my thanks, and Bella surprised me by saying, "You can really taste the lime. How many did you use?"

"Two," I answered, feeling slightly off balance. We were able to talk easily about cooking then, and it became clear to me that Bella had done more than her fair share in Phoenix. She seemed to enjoy it, and I made a mental note to talk to Charlie about seeing if Bella would like to cook dinner occasionally.

This part of the chapter really shows a change of dynamic in my opinion. It seems that Bella finally is giving Carlisle a bit of a chance instead of harboring so many emotions inside.*crosses fingers* Here’s hoping that their relationship continues to grow!!
So this is my Daddy C rec of the week. Go check out Be Careful What You Wish For and tell’em Angela sent you. So put those apples away because Dr. Cullen will see you now. *wink*

Until next time my pervy h00rs,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hey ya'll! I am pleased to bring to you today, our very first Author of the Week! Enjoy!

A very warm welcome to our Author of the Week, ICMezzo!

1 - How did you get into writing?

I’m an editor in real life, so I spend a good deal of time writing and editing each day. Unfortunately, the topics I cover aren't always very exciting. So I decided to start writing fanfic as a creative outlet this past winter, a month or two after I started reading it.

2 - What turned you on to slash?

I started with canon first, so I read a lot of E/B stories, and then quickly added Jella stories into the mix. It was sometime around then that I stumbled onto Manyafandom’s amazing and varied stories. I think her story “The Arrangement” first got me thinking outside the box. At some point a light bulb went on in my head; if Edward or Jasper is good, Edward and Jasper is better.
Luckily, Manyafandom had the fantastic story “All I ever knew” posted right there by “The Arrangement” so my transition into the m/m pairings was quick and easy.

Also, I’d had an unfortunate crush on Carlisle from the moment he first crossed my path but I really had no interest in reading Carlisle/Esme. So with the introduction of slash into my world the possibilities suddenly seemed endless. ;)

3 - What updates are you sure not to miss?

Well, of course there are so many that I read and I could never name them all here, but here is a small sampling of the slash WIPs that I read regularly as they update:

Dear Agony, by Twiboy
If on a Winter’s Night, by Touchstone67
I Wept Not, by ArcadianMaggie
Marked, by Whitlock-Masen
Raw and Rosey, by TuesdayMidnight
Sketchbook Revelations, by PolkaDotMama
Your Biggest Fan, by OfTheDamned

I think I love the first three because of the sheer volume of exquisitely written angst. (I never ever cry, and I Wept Not brought a tear to my eye.) Perhaps surprisingly, I love, love, love to read angst even though I don’t write it.

I love Marked because I like my men to be men. :) Also, it is set right here in Boston and... let’s just put it out there... if you’re going to have your characters watch Red Sox games, your story is automatically a win. That’s just sound judgment.

Let’s see. What else? Raw and Rosey is just fun and is a nice beak from all the angst. I love Sketchbook Revelations for its artistic flavor and Your Biggest Fan is my newest pickup. I just started reading it recently and I have a slight crush on several of the author’s works.

4 - What is your favorite story, both popular and not popular?

My favorite story? How is that possible? If I did have one, it would probably change daily. But I really just don’t! how about this: My favorites are actually mostly all one-shots. I guess I’m just a one-shot kinda girl. (Don’t judge!) Many one-shots don’t get huge review numbers, so you could call them unpopular, though I think perhaps I’d use the term under-appreciated. (Oh, and um...when you see the list, you’ll probably recognize that a few have been expanded into amazing multi-chapter stories. But in this case, I’m actually referring to the original single-shot that started it all.)

So, here we go, my favorite one-shots:

Alpha Xi Omega, by Whitlock-Masen
Copperhead, by OftheDamned
Marked: The One-shot, by Whitlock-Masen
Of Love and Silence, by RobsLostSoul
Rough Seas, by MySlashyFriend
The Spice of Life, by Bookbag

5 - When you write your boys, do you see the actors that play them, or someone different?

Generally I see my characters as they were portrayed in the first Twilight movie, especially if I’m writing vampires, with one general exception--every Jasper I write has much better hair than poor Jasper has had in any Twilight movie so far.

Seriously, Summit, give poor Jackson a reasonable wig in BD... and maybe a few more lines while you’re at it, m’kay?

6 - If you could spend the day inside your favorite author's head, who would it be and why?

Well, I don’t have a single favorite author, and I’m not sure I would want to spend a day inside anyone else’s head. The thought kinda freaks me out! Plus, if I were in someone’s head, I’d find out the endings to their fics and I want to be surprised! But I would like to spend a day with several authors. Does that count? Choosing one in particular would be exceedingly difficult. (I don’t really know anyone in the fandom super well yet.) But if I had to choose I’d have to go with ArcadianMaggie. She kinda “found” me as an author early on, so I think in some way I’ll always be a little in awe of her. Plus she seems just so nice... in addition to cool, smart, and funny. You can’t beat that, can you? Also, I get the feeling she is a terribly busy person, but she is always willing to stop and answer a question or give me advice. Every time I learn something about her I end up thinking she is even more awesome than I previously thought. So yeah. I’d love hang out with her for a day and get to know her better.

7 - Regardless of storyline, who writes the best humps that leave you wet and begging for more?

*blushes* Ummm....errrr.... ehhhh... hmmm.... I don’t know?

Okay, call me a girl or whatever, but I don’t think I can separate the sex from the plotlines. When I think of my favorite lemons, they are all different acts by all different authors. And I imagine it is because the lemons were so perfect within their context.

Now, I’m assuming that you ask the question because you want some recommendations, right? Well, I don’t want to leave you high and dry (as opposed to wet or hard?), so I’ll just say that as lemons go, in my humble opinion it would be hard to go wrong reading anything by SubtlePen, Naelany and SorceressCirce (Whitlock-Masen), Touchstone67, Domward’s Mistress, or PolkaDotMama.

8 - Do you post on any other fandoms?

I do not. I don’t read stories from other fandoms either, mostly due to a lack of time. If I was going to try one out, I might read Harry Potter fanfic, because of all of the wonderful things I hear about HP stories. If I was going to write something, I might try Lord of the Rings. Does that fandom even exist? It must, right?

*pauses to wipe drool off keyboard after contemplating Aragorn and Legolas in various slashy combinations*

9 - Do you listen to music when you write, and if so, does it influence what you write?

I do listen to music, but what I am writing influences what I listen to, instead of the other way around.

If I’m trying to concentrate on an important dramatic scene, I actually listen to classical music. I often use classical for lemon-writing as well. I often wonder if that is really weird. Am I the only one who uses Handel for handjobs and Brahms when writing a beej? But then again, I had one boyfriend who thought the best possible music for sex was Ravel’s Bolero. TMI? (For the record, I disagree. Also, this might seem less random if you knew we were both classical music students in college at the time so we lived and breathed this stuff.)

ANYWAY, the rest of the time I write to alt rock. It particularly helps me get in the right place to write comedy.

10 - Would you ever write something out of your comfort zone? Why or why not?

Yes, definitely. My comfort zone is “Said an Done” and “Worth the Climb”-style stories (i.e., light, fluffy, comedic slash). But lately been trying to write other genres and pairings that I’m very much not comfortable with, mostly because I want to try to grow as a writer. I often use contests as an excuse to push myself to try new styles and ideas. I’m sure these attempts have had mixed results, which is okay. I’m learning. :)

That said, don’t worry; I promise to keep the funny headed your way. But if you see that I’ve randomly posted a tragic-sounding one-shot or a B/E story, you’ll know why. ;)

Thank you so much, ICMezzo, for giving us a peek into your brilliant mind!! We will definitely be looking for more from you!

Till next time.....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hey ya'll! Sorry for the lateness of this post...forgive me. Sometimes, RL just gets in the way! But now, no more's time for humps!

Hello my fellow Slash h00r's, Jen here to bring you some good humps to brighten your day.

This little beauty is one of my favourites. I am cheating slightly with this one, as it was written for my birthday the other month, but that doesn't take away hot seriously hot this fic is.

Claiming of Jasper By dtav


Summary: Jasper is a virgin who just came out of the closet. Edward is a sexual predator looking for the next trick. Can the virgin tame the wild beast? One-shot written for OCDJen's birthday. Contains slash.

I am sucker for virgin boys, more so when one is and other is a bit of a whore. I love the lesson's that one of the boys gives the other and this fic does not let you down. This fic does work backwards as it started as a one shot. The first chapter tells of their very first night together, and how the sexual predator was feeling a little nervous about their first time together. Wonderfully, the boy wouldn't leave dtav alone and made her write their story :D detailing how they meet and the lesson's Edward gives Jasper. Yes, I really did get excited when she told me she was going to continue it!

Here's a wonderful little tease from the latest chapter that had me drooling and begging for more.

"Do you know what rimming is?" I asked him.

"No, what is it?" He asked questioningly.

"It'll be part of our lesson tonight. Pay close attention, cause this oral exam will be a little harder than the last one." I chuckled.

Jasper laughed, but stopped abruptly when I inserted one of my fingers into the crack of his ass and caressed his hole. Swiping the pre cum off my dick, I moaned in pleasure upon touching myself, but I didn't do anything else. This was about Jasper right now; my release would have to wait. I used my lubricated finger to caress his hole as I continued stroking his dick. Spreading his cheeks with my hand, I licked his crack making my way from his balls to his puckered hole and licking it all over.

"God, Edward! Are you trying to fucking kill me?" He screamed.

"Now you know what rimming is." I said laughing as I started licking his hole again.

Continuing to stroke his dick, I pushed my tongue inside his hole and started thrusting it in and out a few times before Jasper begged me to stop.

"Please, Edward. It's too good, I can't take it." He begged.

"Okay, baby. That's enough of that for now then." I promised.

Standing back up, I pressed my dick up against his back and started thrusting my hips against him. Jasper pushed back into me causing his dick to slide in and out of my hand as if he were fucking it. Continuing to thrust against him, I pressed my finger against his tight ring of muscles stopping when I felt him tense against me.

"You alright, Jasper?" I asked.

"Yes, Edward. Don't stop." He begged. "Please."

He continued thrusting his hips in rhythm with mine as I pressed my finger inside of him slowly. As I pushed my finger all the way in, Jasper threw his head back in pleasure.

"Fuck, Edward!" He yelled.

"Enjoy it baby, just enjoy it." I whispered, while thrusting my finger out of him at a slow pace. Jasper started thrusting his hips erratically against mine as pleasure started to overwhelm him.

Feeling he was ready, I slowly pushed another finger inside of him and continued thrusting my dick against his ass in rhythm with my fingers. Jasper was moaning incoherently and thrusting his hips in an uneven pace. Curling my fingers inside of him, I knew the minute I hit his sweet spot.

*Fans self* This wonderful little bit of action takes against....Actually, I'll let you go check it out and see for yourself.

Its four chapters in, and every chapter is hotter than the last. Go drop by and give dtav some love for this wonderful hidden gem!

Monday, September 6, 2010

I hope ya'll enjoyed what Miss Sarah had to offer yesterday... I know I did! Now.....on with the show! I have a feeling today's rec is gonna be good, but I'm feeling a little thirsty.....

Hello my lovelies, Angela here and I come bearing treats of the sweet and naughty variety. This happens to be one of my personal favorites and it’s a gem. It’s a hot story of love and secrets. I guarantee you’ll get pulled into the love story of budding relationships, lies, not to mention drama and unexpected twists and turns..Has their ever been a story without it? I think not. Without further adieu I give you

Forever Mine by Iskandiie

Summary: There is a new family of vampires in town. The Cullen's welcomed the Hales and work together, ready for the evil entering Forks......however there is also a love that clashes between the two families.

Alight be ready with your popcorn and or the beverage and candy of your choice; might I suggest Mike and Ike lol.......this fic will have you close to the edge of your seat. This story starts off with vamp Edward, Carlisle, Emmett, and Alice mate-less.....sad I know *tear* but never fear Alice has a vision and sees their mates and who shall it be. Well if you must know none other than the beautiful Hale siblings, Rosalie and Jasper and of course their “mom” Esme.

So you know Alice must meddle in things she has no business meddling with in the first place, evil pixie. But she gets Edward and Jasper together after coming up with a plan that includes Rosalie; I mean you can’t fault her for that. Those two I swear spell trouble lol. Edward and Jasper’s relationship is so beautiful and innocent but that soon changes when you throw some wolves in, a cursed Halloween day that makes Jasper literally take on the traits of his human class mates, a fire, vampire if you couldn’t guess that happening lol and of course a crazy vampire with a powerful voodoo ring.

And did I mention Jane is Jasper’s sister? *gasp* I didn’t.....well she is. That certainly throws a wrench into things.

This story is now complete but it also has a mini sequel. So go check it out and tell’em that Angela sent you!

Until next time!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Hey ya'll!! After much waiting, planning, and preparing, we are pleased to have you join us as we launch our new blog!! So, without further ado......

First official post and I get to do it, I am both super excited about this and very nervous, so I had better make this a good one.

My job today is to rec y'all a great slash fic that has a HOT Dr Edward. Well the first one that comes to mind is........

Southern Charm By Meikela

Summary: CPD Officer Jasper Whitlock is searching for Mr. Forever, not Mr. Right Now. ER doctor Edward Cullen is just looking to find himself. What happens when their fates cross? AU/AH

I found Southern Charm whilst looking for another fic by the same name, a het fic at that too *hangs head in shame*, and it quickly became one of my favourites. Our Dr Edward for this story is fresh from the navy, having served in Afghanistan and Iraq. He was already broken before he left for his tour of duty and heaven knows what serving in the middle east has done to his already tortured mind. Enter Jasper a cop, shot in the line of duty and hospitalised. To get the full feel of this story it is best to read the first out take, on the authors profile, where we learn a little of the boys past.

Can Doctor Cullen help heal Jasper and in turn can Jasper help to heal Edward. I sure hope so, these boys own me!

This story is now complete, so if you haven't already read it and now decided that you want to you won't be sat waiting for updates, see I aren't I good to you. This was one of those stories that every time I got the alert that it had updated I dropped everything to go read, even if I was at work and believe me people, with the lemons Meikela writes, it's best not read at work. Nothing like being sat doing the monthly financial forecast after being left hot and bothered my hot boy sexing.

It really is hard not to fall in love with these boy's, the journey of falling in love and the healing process that takes place along the way is beautifully written by Meikela.

As with all good stories there are a few out takes posted too and a freaking amazing side story called The Cletus Chronicles, told from the POV of Edward's cat and damn if this feisty cat doesn't own me too. He's original, street smart and I sure as hell wouldn't want to mess with him! Although if I could come back as a cat in another life I wouldn't mind being his sexy seƱorita LOL. He's the only (person) I know that could get away with calling Jasper a 'Golden haired bastard' and me still love him. He's also a bit of a voyeur, much to Jasper's discomfort.

So there you have it folks, my first rec for you, Southern Charm by Meikela, one hot Dr Edward.


Thursday, September 2, 2010


Welcome to Slash H00rs R Us! We are a Twilight slash blog with any pairings from Twilight, but no femmeslash! I'm Penny, and I really hope ya'll enjoy what we have in store!

Now, I'd like for you to meet my staff!!

Meet Angela, a fellow sassy Southern girl who thinks Twilight slash is hotter than a Southern summer! Ang likes music, reading, and is quite fomd of Mike and Ike candy! Especilly the red ones! *wink*

Meet Jen, a cheeky, lovely Brit who never fails to leave Fanfic panting for more of her fucking hot slash! Jen likes roller coasters, writing, and has an affinity for a candy called Wine Gums. Me, personally, I prefer Dick Tarts, and yes, they're what you think!

And last, but certainly not least, meet Sarah, my lovely fucking awesome British fic wife. She never fails to leave me grinning and blushing when we chat about slash! Sarah likes reading, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show", and, for some reason, British cocks on a stick! Hmmm, wifey....I'll take some of that!

Well, there you have it! I hope ya'll will join us on Monday for our very first post!

Thank you!


Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hey, ya'll! I just wanted to let you know that finally, I believe that we are just about ready to start posting! On Friday of this week, I will post the names of my staff, as they will be working hard to bring ya'll yummy slashy goodness every day.

There will be a break over the weekend so I can get everything together and sorted, then I am hoping to launch our first official post on Monday, September 6. On that day, we will have some Dr. Edward for ya! Mmmmm.....I can't wait!

Again, thanks for your patience, and I hope you stick around for the beginning of this awesome blog!


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hey ya'll! I've been working hard today, figuring out days and sections, and here's what you can look forward to so far....

Mondays will feature Dr. Edward. Yummy...

Tuesdays will feature All Vamp slash. Rawr!

Wednesdays will feature Smut Only. Woohoo!

Thursdays will feature our Author of the Week, which will include an interview of said author. Gonna be fun!

Fridays will feature our Dose of Daddy C, to get you revved up for the weekend...
So hot!

I'm not sure about the weekends yet, but I'll let you know, and as time goes on, we will be adding more stuff!

Thank you for being so patient with me! I promise we will be up and running soon!


Friday, August 27, 2010

A Preview

Hey ya'll! I'm still working on getting this up and running, and I so appreciate your patience with me! I figured I'd drop a line to give ya'll a brief overview of what some of the segments will be on here....

We will have "Daily Dose of Daddy C", which will feature fic recs of Carlisle with any other Twi male character. Even I have to admit, this is gonna be HOT!

I have a couple of others in store, but I am open to suggestions, so feel free to email me if there's something in particular you'd like to see!!

My email is

Again, thanks for your patience!


Saturday, August 21, 2010


Hey ya'll! I hope you continue to check out this blog, cause pretty soon, we're gonna have LOTS of slashy goodness! Thanks for your patience!
